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Book Club - Bowling Alone

  • January 28, 2025
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Lake Forest
  • 3


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NSCC's book club will be reading Bowling Alone: the Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D Putman. We will meet at a NSCC member's home for a discussion facilitated by Professor Holly Swyers, Professor of Anthropology and Zachary Cook, Assistant Professor of Politics, both at Lake Forest College. 

FURTHER READING:  The issues addressed in the book are explored in the February edition of The Atlantic "The Anti- Social Century",  which is very insightful for the world we live in now.  If you do not have time to read the whole book, we suggest you focus on Chapter 23 and 24 "What is to be done" and read the article in the Atlantic.

The book forms the basis for the documentary Join or Die, which will also be the subject of our community social and screening event at Gorton Community Center on February 4th with Speaker Louise Hawkley.

Updated to include a new chapter about the influence of social media and the Internet—the 20th anniversary edition of Bowling Alone remains a seminal work of social analysis, and its examination of what happened to our sense of community remains more relevant than ever in today’s fractured America.

NSCC members who purchase Bowling Alone from the Lake Forest Book Store will receive a 15% discount. Just mention the North Shore Civic Club when you check out. 

The meeting address will be distributed to all who register.  

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